23 [F4M] #westfinchley A dashing knight required to rescue the princess from the bad date dragon launch

Posted by SocialJusticeBrat | archived on June 11, 2023, 12:41 a.m. | located in London, GB

Story time people- take a chair. So there I was, having selected the least degenerate redditor who responded to my previous post. A date was planned. Much was promised- jewellery, competition, vast acres of cheese. I dressed in a miniskirt so short it's illegal in every third world country and some of the first (argue with me in my dms about this usage of terms X world country). My lips a deep red and ready to be fed. My hair in pigtails to evoke everybody's deep love of bacon. Some tasteful earrings, a subtle blue because who doesn't love the sky. My neck smell of lilac becuase after a successful first date we were going to move to the countryside and live like its the 1950s. Spent 1 hour fending off the horny orcs of the northern line to get to the restaurant Then he rocks up, ripped jeans, graphic tee like its 2005, unwashed hair, unshaved and half drunk, "forgot" his wallet, spent whole meal trying to convince me he was some kind of rich trader while being unable to do basic maths on the bill. So the question is reddit- can you do better? Can you clear this admittedly massively high bar? If you can and want to please message me with how you will do it alongside your age and location. About me: Cute enough to brag to your friends and take home to your parents, struggling artist, historian but only when arguing on the internet, possibly a victorian orphan. I like cheese and museums.

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