New title format, going into effect 01/03/2022 launch

Posted by cumbunfunton | archived on Feb. 16, 2022, 3:10 a.m.

In my last update, I was clear why it is important to add a location to your posts, e.g. Camden, SE1, South of the River, East London, Lambeth, etc. I'm not going to go through the reason why this is a pain, but I have had ModMail blow up with reports of "this post lacks detail" and "I was chatting to someone and they said I was too far but didn't say anything in their post". I hoped that we could just culturally change the community expectation to include this but after 2 weeks (realistically several months), Rule 1 is now changing for it to be a requirement. Now you don't have to give exact locations, here are some options: - North London - SE1 - Lambeth - South of the River - Central - West End Also, you can say you are in a location and you can't host, for example, "based in Croydon, but can't host", meaning that someone in Harrow will probably be right to assume that OP won't travel for 2 hours for a meet or at least it will be the first question that comes up. You will need to write all as one word with a # at the beginning, for example: 34 \[M4F\] #Lewisham Looking for someone to play chess with 25 \[F4F\] #SouthOfTheRiver Fancy a nice lunch today 57 \[M4M\] #NorthLondon Need players for a video game night 27 \[F4M\] #WestEnd looking for a theatre night buddy 19 \[M4M\] #Central want to go to watch a film with someone 48 \[F4M\] #NW2 Someone to have coffee with What will get your post removed: - Just saying #London - Not putting anything - Anything that is #London/Somewhere else - Online, whether only online or #London/Online - Surprisingly I have to say this, not looking to meet in London What will get you banned: - Saying 1 location in the title, but something else in the body - Stating a different location to a post and getting reported on - Repeat offenses on removals - A very clear lack of intention to meet in London at all How many repeat offenses? How long will bans be? I'm just gonna play it by ear. Over the next week or so, I will be reconfiguring the bots and automating the removals, fact is I got shit to do and this takes up too much time in moderating. I want to spend some time improving the feed so that we have more successes, but writing the sentence "but where in London are you? NW3? South? Central? Southwark, because your post has been reported on" is just getting a bit boring. Mods

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